Retreats Webmaster January 28, 2022


A break to reconnect with our essence, an intense alchemical transformation, a journey towards our true Self.

Meditation and self-inquiry will show us a deeper reality about ourselves and life.

A retreat includes sessions of:

  • Satsang, consisting of teaching plus question and answer, to immerse ourselves into the message of non duality.
  • Perception exercises, which can be both static and moving, to integrate the bodily perceptual experience of non-separation.
  • Meditation sessions, in which various practices will be offer through to deepen our connection to the true Self.
Before Booking

If you are attending a retreat for the first time, a short introductory interview, arranged over on Skype or Whatsapp, is required.
Retreat staff will take care of your accommodation and food requirements.
Once your booking has been approved, you will be contacted by the hotel with a confirmation email.
A deposit – or the full amount paid in advance – is usually required to confirm your place.

Click here for booking inquiries for the next event.

After Booking

Travel to and from the pick-up location is the responsibility of the participant.

If required, further information regarding directions or steps to make your journey easier is available.

Audio/Video Recordings

Events are recorded in audio and video format. Some satsang is live-streamed.

Please reserve your copy should you wish to receive one.

Testimonials from Participants

Retreats  to  stream

Discover some selected retreats to deepen your experience of the timeless message of non duality.

Free from the past How to re-write the story of your life from within
Being Love, living God From summer retreat 2021, a journey about devotion and meditation

A loving call that brings together people from different parts of the planet is what gathers us in a retreat.
It is a break from our daily life, to rediscover ourselves and the root of Life itself.

The miracle that happens during each retreat is a change that goes far beyond ourselves,
a reconnection to our essence that harmonizes and realigns us with the deep intent of our soul.