First Session
Awareness is already free, did you know it?
Your true Self is already utterly free from the game of duality and its polarities of opposites. This is the place where all karma can be dissolved.
Second Session
Memory and identity, losing the false self
Our ego identity is founded exclusively on memories. The separate entity is built up layer upon layer and gives us the false impression to be a person.
Third Session
Believes and conditioning, let's clean up
All beliefs and conditionings shape our world. It is possible to reset the illusion and live from the reality of our being.
Fourth Session
Karmic debts and hidden contracts
Our lives are bounded by karmic debts and subconscious contracts that condition our living.
Fifth Session
Forgiven and forgotten
Real forgiveness is the highest point of non dual understanding.
Sixth Session
Embodying a new destiny, final conclusion
We can re-write our life, learn from the past and embody a new direction.