Being Love,
living God
- ** hours of online teaching
- watch the streaming
whenever you want
- Immerse yourself on a deep
spiritual teaching about
what true love is and how
to express it in your life
Being Love, living God
- 36 hours of online teaching
- watch the streaming whenever you want
- Immerse yourself on a deep spiritual teaching
about what true love is and how to express it in your life
An unique journey of clarity and embodied awakening.
Enter in a real understanding about your true nature and potential.
What you will experience
- An embodied and clear teaching to shed light on your spiritual journey.
- A pratical way to live more authentically.
- A new vision of yourself as part of One interrelated Consciousness.
- A guide on how to transform fears and insecurities into a deeper wisdom.
- The loving sharing of an international community of seekers.
What you will experience
An embodied and clear teaching about Consciousness journey in the human experience
Understanding how all love in us is coming from our divine nature
Dissolving the ego barriers, bowing to the sacred feminine wisdom
Terms and conditions
- All rights are reserved to Caterina Maggi and the recordings cannot be shared with third parties.